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To search for a specific word or phrase, enter the exact word or phrase. For a more exact find, surround the word with quotes. i.e. "art school" to search for articles about Art School.

You may also use Boolean logic to build complex search conditions. To do so, use the following terms:

AND (Boolean AND)
OR (Boolean OR)
NOT (Boolean NOT)
Please Note:- These terms are case-sensitive, and must be in UPPERCASE if used


art AND school - this searches for articles containing both art and school somewhere in the article.
art NOT school - this search would find only articles having the word art, but not the word school.
art OR publish NOT school - this would find only articles having the word art or publish, excluding records with the word school.
business AND loan AND bank - this would find articles containing all the words.

Wildcard Search:
You can also use wildcard characters to expand your search:
Asterisks (*) substitute for a string of characters of any length
Question marks (?) substitute for a particular character


par* - words beginning with the characters "par"
fl??ss - Words beginning with fl and ending with ss with any two characters in between