Jake Shannon - Scientific Wrestling Founder & Head Coach | Catch Wrestling - The TRUE King of Sports Scientific Wrestling
Jake Shannon with his conditioning invention, the Macebell
Jake Shannon with his conditioning invention, the Macebell

Jake Shannon - Scientific Wrestling Founder & Head Coach

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I have done my very best to vet as many of the sources of catch-as-catch-can and I have been very fortunate to call men like Karl Gotch, Billy Robinson, Wade Schalles, Dick Cardinal, Yoshiaki Fujiwara, and Josh Barnett friends, and more often than not, mentors too.

I've been fortunate to train with truly amazing athletes like Brandon Ruiz, Frank Shamrock, and many others. I survived cancer as a teenager and consider every day a blessing and I am filled with gratitude to work with many men that also happen to be personal heroes.

Scientific Wrestling is the culmination of my efforts to record and share my journey in Catch-As-Catch-Can wrestling. I hope you enjoy!

-Jake Shannon


Jake Shannon - Scientific Wrestling Founder & Head Coach
- Apprenticed with Mr. Billy Robinson in coaching catch-as-catch-can wrestling (2007 - 2014). Have since coached catch-as-catch-can to top tier competitive wrestlers, grapplers, mixed martial artists, and professional wrestlers internationally.

-Shamrock Submission Fighting, level 2 certified.

- Introduced the West to the first open catch-as-catch-can specific training camps and seminars with legends Yoshiaki Fujiwara, Dick Cardinal, and Billy Robinson in 2006/07. , - Produced both acclaimed documentaries 'My Cigar with Karl', 'Scientific Wrestling Revolution - Billy Robinson's Return to England', and DO IT AGAIN: My Lost Training Footage with Billy Robinson in addition to scores of other top-notch quality grappling instructional DVDs with the top coaches in their fields.

- In 2006, developed the acclaimed 'Certified Catch Wrestler' program to provide authentic catch-as-catch-can training and authentication. The program has received unprecedented praise from top-ranking MMA athletes, top catch wrestling legends, Gold Medal winning wrestlers/grapplers, and novices alike.

- Launched the modern competitive catch-as-catch-can landscape with The King of Catch Wrestling with rules co-developed with Karl Gotch in 2007.

- Invented the new fitness implement the Macebell in 2007, as well as the first mace instructional DVD and certification.

- Wrote the best-selling book 'Say Uncle!: ?Catch-As-Catch-Can and the Roots of Mixed Martial Arts, Pro Wrestling, and Modern Grappling' (a best-seller in two different categories on Amazon.com) in 2011.

- Ghost wrote best-selling Billy Robinson's memoir 'Physical Chess: My Life in Catch-As-Catch-Can Wrestling' (a best-seller in two different categories on Amazon.com) in 2012.

- Approached by BJJ Fanatics to film two well-received instructionals:

Catch Wrestling Takedowns by Jake Shannon

Catch Wrestling Submissions by Jake Shannon

With Josh Barnett, Wade Schalles, and Danny Mitchell
With Josh Barnett, Wade Schalles, and Danny Mitchell

With legendary submission master Mr. Fujiwara
With legendary submission master Mr. Fujiwara

With Carnival Catch Wrestler Dick Cardinal
With Carnival Catch Wrestler Dick Cardinal

Being coached by Bill Robinson, 2007
Being coached by Bill Robinson, 2007

Media Mentions, Interviews & Stories

North American media: Total MMA Radio

Japanese Media publications:
Sports Graphic Number and Weekly Gong (no longer available).