Complete Article Index
We cover a lot of different topics on this site - this article index gives you a pretty good idea of the subjects we cover.
The following is a complete index of all articles on this site - presented in the most current to oldest article sequence.
Displaying Matches 121 thru 160 of 160 Found. FIRSTBACK
- Premier Episode - UWF "Bushido: Way of the Warrior"
- A New Dawn for an Old Style
- Gotch's Bible: Conditioning Challenge
- The Modern Day Functional Grappler
- Jake Shannon - Scientific Wrestling Founder & Head Coach
- Wade Schalles - Killer Cradles: "Cradles: The Most Powerful Pinning Combination Known to Man"
- "Buddy" Weight Conditioning
- Lessons In Catch Wrestling
- Mentioned in the May 28th Wrestling Observer Newsletter
- Gene LeBell Interview - Part III
- Gene LeBell Interview - Part II
- Gene LeBell Interview - Part I
- The Physical Body: Indian Wrestling and Physical Culture By Vincent Giordano
- SCIENTIFIC WRESTLING ONLINE TOUR: Practical Advice Anywhere You Have Online Access!
- SCIENTIFIC WRESTLING ONLINE TOUR: Cutting-Edge Catch Wrestling Techniques and Tried & True Conditioning Exercises!
- SCIENTIFIC WRESTLING ONLINE TOUR: Always Updated, The Unorthodox Content!
- SCIENTIFIC WRESTLING TOUR: Additional Benefits of Becoming a Member!
- Conditioning Programs from subscribers to the SCIENTIFIC WRESTLING TIMES!
- Catch Wrestler's Perspective on the 2006 Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion
- Climbing Down The Mountain: Monotonically Descending Your Way to 500 Hindu Squats
- Billy Wicks Asked Me To Post This Letter For You...
- Searching for Kazushi
- The Original U
- The Physical Body: Indian Wrestling and Physical Culture
- Glenn Ortiz Interviews Mike Ciesnolevicz
- The Mixed Martial Art Gomi
- I'll Bet My Barber Shop
- MACH Revival Go
- Team Quest Fight Club MMA Camp Review by Glenn Ortiz
- Some Ideas for Real Pro-Wrestling
- My Christmas with Karl...
- Billy Wicks Interview
- Yoshiaki Fujiwara's "I Will Break You" Newspaper Column
- "The Toe-Hold Club" or "A Case Study on How to Start Your Own Catch Wrestling Group"
- Fujiwara Submission Master 2006 Clinic Trailer
- Legal Disclaimers
Displaying Matches 121 thru 160 of 160 Found FIRSTBACK
KG: …over here. You know those bastards? You know those coaches? I didn't agree with that. I told you. I never imagined that would ever happen. JS: What do you mean? KG: They'd go around and they ... keep reading
KG: Hello. JS: Yes, Mr. Gotch, please. KG: You got him. JS: Hey, this is Jake. KG: Hello, Jakob. JS: How are you? KG: Okay. Hey, I just got your two things; you know, two tapes? JS: Okay... keep reading
KG: Don't take no gifts. Like those slot machines. There are one-armed bandits, too. JS: No. I'm telling you. I enjoy talking to you. You really have a lot for me to learn from. Like all the stuff... keep reading
KG: Hello? JS: Yes, Mr. Gotch, please. KG: That's him. JS: Hey, this is Jake. KG: Hello, Jacob. JS: How are you? KG: Okay. How about yourself? JS: I'm doing good. I'm doing good. I've b... keep reading
KG: …and he wanted to present it to me. So, I was booked in the shithouse from then on. JS: Yeah. KG: I never lost, but I never won anything, either. I didn't even make a living. Thank God I got... keep reading
KG: How are things in California? JS: Oh, they're very nice. They're very nice. I had a very fun New Year's. KG: Okay. That's good. JS: I went out with friends. Hey, did you get your package? ... keep reading
KG: He's just like the guys. He said, "Oh, you can't take me down," and I just laughed. JS: It was a challenge. KG: And that's when I really got the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. They were layi... keep reading
JS: Yes, is Mr. Gotch there? KG: He is. That's me. JS: Hey, this is Jake Shannon, your friend in L.A. KG: Oh, what's cooking? JS: How are you? KG: All right. JS: Good, good. I just wan... keep reading
KG: I didn't know he was a promoter. That's the guy that died that got married. He looked at me. He said, "That guy is small." As big as I was sport … 245… JS: Well, he was a sumo, right?... keep reading
KG: Well, you see the thing is the truth of the matter is this: It started in Lancashire, like I told you. And then, there was the Freestyle. You had more like that, but there was more in Cumberland,... keep reading
Very Special Thanks to Everyone Here: Kneeling - Coach Wade Schalles (World Champion Wrestler, pinning Master and SW Head Coach). Standing, from left to right: Marty Jones&nbs... keep reading
Legions of fans laud the likes of Jet Li and Bruce Lee as legitimate martial arts masters. This is not on the basis of Bruce Lee's little known high school boxing championship, nor of Jet Li's Wushu f... keep reading
The Golden Age of Professional Wrestling is often thought of as the era of Frank Gotch, however the golden age, in terms of "technical" wrestling, occurred thereafter. During the early 20th... keep reading
Gotch's Bible: First, shuffle a full deck of cards (Jokers included). Black cards mean squats and red cards mean push-ups. Every time you deal a black card, you do twice the amount of repetitions ... keep reading
Every time I look at old photos of catch wrestlers of the past, I immediately want to drop down and do 500 push ups, press a keg over my head, pump out 1000 squats and do one-handed cleans with a 200l... keep reading